Case Study: White City Regeneration Scheme
Main Contractor: Sisk
The White City Regeneration Scheme in London is an £8 billion project in this designated Opportunity Area. It will provide a new high quality mixed-use development in White City East, along with the creation of a major academic facility and the supporting retail and community facilities as well as open spaces.
A key design feature of the scheme is a five-acre, L-shaped park with new bridges and walkways above and through a railway viaduct. The line of 28 derelict arches will become glass-fronted shops, bars and restaurants, with over 350 trees being planted.
Working with Sisk and Berkeley Homes, Ainsworth Civils were brought in for the construction of two pedestrian decks and one highway bridge across London Underground’s Central Line, providing access to the Westfield Shopping Centre to the south.
To effectively manage traffic in the area, Ainsworth Civils constructed a new highway bridge next to the existing highway bridge, thereby regulating traffic flow with one bridge for each direction.
The pedestrian decks were built to go over the London Underground open-air section of the Central Line, providing the residents of the new builds with increased easy access to their homes from the surrounding areas.
Ainsworth Civils not only maintained their 100% health and safety record, but also succeeded in bringing the project in on time.