Health and Safety Policy Statement
1 General
It is the policy of Ainsworth Civils in so far as is reasonably practicable, to ensure the health, safety and welfare of all its employees and to ensure a similar commitment by all contractors, or anyone else that may be affected by its activities; by proving:
- A safe place of work
- A safe working environment
- Information, instruction, supervision and training
- Safe plant and safe systems of work
- Safe handling, storage and transportation of goods
We are committed to making the policy available to all interested parties; and it will be monitored and reviewed annually or more frequently if appropriate.
We are committed to communicating effectively with all employees by the provision of the necessary information, instruction, training and supervision to ensure, as far as reasonably practicable everyone’s health and safety. All contractors will receive copies of the requirements of the policy. Any amendments or implementation of the policy will be communicated to all employees and copies to contractors as required.
We as a Company are fully committed to the continual improvement of our Health & Safety Management system. This includes setting measurable Health & Safety objectives, which have been agreed by the Board of Directors along with a framework to ensure these are subject to formal management review.
The Company is fully committed to the prevention of injury and ill health along with the continual improvement of our Occupational Health & Safety Management performance; in addition to meeting and complying with statutory and regulatory requirements.
2 Responsibility of the Company
The Company undertake to:
- Provide adequate resources for information, instruction, training and supervision of offices, and workplace areas
- Define areas of responsibility for all employees and ensure they are fully aware of their responsibilities on Health and Safety matters and review such responsibilities at appropriate changes in circumstances or at least annually
- Provide facilities and ensure full consultation with employees and support of all employees and contractors implementing the safety policy
- Carry out assessment of workplace risks and ensure these are actioned and communicated to those affected
- Provide appropriate safety equipment, protective clothing and training in its use
- Ensure that incidents and accidents are reported, and the causes identified and actions taken to prevent further occurrences
3 Responsibilities of Employees and Contractors
Final responsibility for Health and Safety in the Company rests with the Managing Director but it is the duty of all employees and contractors at all levels:
- By maintaining safe working practices, to take reasonable care to avoid injury to themselves and others in the systems of work, handling, storage and transportation of products
- To co-operate with the Company and other people in the workplace, to ensure the health and safety of everyone involved or affected by our work
- Neither intentionally nor recklessly to interfere with or misuse anything provided in the fulfilment of this Policy or in accordance with the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974. The Environmental Protection Act 1990. The Offices Shops and Railways Premises Act 1963, The Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulation 2002; Use of Work Equipment Regulation 1998: Lifting Operation and Lifting Equipment Regulation 1998 & The Work at Height Regulation 2005 (as amended) and any other relevant legislation
- To develop a personal concern for your own and other’s safety, also suggesting ways of eliminating hazards and speaking out if you see anything which may be unsafe. Report accidents and near accidents promptly so that we can continuously improve and help prevent others from hurt in future.